Back to Work | 55 Famous and Original Quotes After Being Away

It seems that pulling yourself together and getting back to work must be a pretty serious issue; otherwise there wouldn't be so many important people making reference to it, and not many of us would be in denial of starting working again. If your search for back to work quotes has brought you here, you're in luck.

This page boasts of a brilliant collection of some of the coolest quotes (original and famous) that can help motivate you and others alike successfully get back to the workplace after being away for a while. The memes down there are also shareable when you're having your 4th unexpected break to grab a coffee or go to the bathroom.

Famous Back to Work Quotes

  • "It seems the harder I work, the more luck I have." – Thomas Jefferson
  • "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." – Vincent "Vince" Lombardi
  • "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." – Mark Twain
  • "It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man." – Benjamin Franklin
When you go back to work baby meme.
Oh sure, I'd love to go back
  • "Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all." – Sam Ewing
  • "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." – Aristotle
  • "Don't wait. The time will never be just right.'' – Napoleon Hill
  • "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." – William James
  • "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." – Thomas Edison
Back to the Grind
Back to the Grind
  • "Nobody's a natural. You work hard to get good and then work to get better. It's hard to stay on top." – Paul Coffey
  • "If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude." – Charles R. Swindoll
  • "Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned." – Peter Marshall
  • "Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." – Robert H. Schuller
  • "Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear." – George Addair
  • "Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward." – Victor Kiam
  • "Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs." – Farrah Gray
  • "True happiness involves the full use of one's power and talents." – John W. Gardner

  • As you get yourself back to work remember that the harder you work in this life, the higher your chances of becoming successful are.
  • If you put your heart, mind and soul into your work, success will find you wherever you are. Welcome back. You've been missed!
  • Happiness and prosperity tend to love the company of the hard worker.
  • It is cowardice to dread going back to work after a long weekend or vacation.
It's time
It's time
  • Throw away that vacation hangover and be thankful to be back at work, for there are many humans literally dying to get this job which you take for granted.
  • From the beginning of time, God has showered His blessings on the hard worker. And today is no different!
  • Success often finds it very difficult visiting the homes of the lazy. But for the hard worker, success always finds its way to his/her door.
  • Motivate yourself knowing that an industrious person will always find it easier making him/herself prosperous in life than a lazy person.
  • Oftentimes, the harder you work, the fatter your bank account gets.
  • He who decides not to work, doesn't deserve to eat. It's a good thing you have motivated yourself to go back to work.
Back to Work. It's a numbers game.
Back to Work. It's a numbers game.
  • The sweat that drips from your body today is what builds the foundation of your success tomorrow.
  • You've had enough time to relax. Now is the time for work. Give it your best shot, knowing that hard work never fails to pay dividends.
  • On planet earth, all play and no work will make you a poor person.
  • I am yet to see a self-made man or woman who didn't toil ad sweat for his/her riches. Keep toiling and you shall certainly get there.
  • As you drag yourself back to work, take comfort in the knowledge that there are multitudes of people in the world who would kill in a heartbeat just to have your work.
  • Too much of everything isn't the best, and that includes too much vacation. Welcome back to work, dear.
  • All you need in this life to ensure success are determination and hard work.
  • Those unwilling to work will not taste success in this lifetime. Welcome back from your long break. May success and happiness locate you wherever you go.
  • Since time immemorial the good Lord has always bestowed special blessings on those who sacrifice their comfort to work.
  • The more work your hands do, the more good fortune that come your way.
  • As you transition back to work after being on a long break, know that nothing will ever make you more prosperous than work.
  • There are but two ways of seeing success in this world: through hard work and perseverance. Welcome back!
  • Success tastes sweeter when achieved through hard work.
  • Do not grudge going back to work, for work is one of the surest ways to rise in this world.
Feeling so inspired after my holidays, said no one ever.
Feeling so inspired after my holidays, said no one ever.
  • Welcome back to work. Don't mourn your vacation. Be glad that it happened.
  • You have just accomplished a great feat for plucking up the courage to go back to work after your wonderful vacation. You deserve an award for that.
  • Failure will never defeat you if you are determined to work hard and continue to believe in yourself.
  • Hard work might not be the most appetizing thing on earth, but it is the secret of rising above your peers.
  • Welcome back! No matter which angle you look at it from, having this job is hundred times better than being unemployed.
  • You can achieve your dreams if you work hard and remain positive.
  • Good things in life never come easy. Work hard today and make your future self a happy person.
  • Success is a slow process and takes a lot of hard work. But if you put in a lot of effort in your work and stay the course, you shall surely get to the destination of success.
  • The main difference between failure and success lies in how much effort you put into your work. The more effort you inject into work, the closer you are drawn to success.
  • If you take a moment to think of the scores of unemployed people in the world desperately looking for jobs, you'd feel privileged and blessed to be back at work. Never stop appreciating the things you've been blessed with.
  • No one achieved their dreams without working. All great achievements in life require work.
  • Victory belongs to the owner of the pair of hands that works.
  • The best antidepressant to going back to work after a wonderful holiday is to remember that someone somewhere is ready to swim across the Pacific Ocean just to sit at your desk and do the very job you are doing for half the pay you are receiving.

Back to Work Memes

Fake smile meme when you go back to work.
The moment you realize you've got to get back to work tomorrow.
Fake smile baby back to work Meme.
That Monday when you get back at work.
Grumpy cat on table meme for the day you get back to work.
Glad to be back at work after that horrendous vacation.
Fake Smile when you go back to work meme.
Waking up at 6.30 tomorrow to get back to work.
Yeah, if you could stop thinking about holidays now...
Yeah, if you could stop thinking about holidays now…

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