No Thats Good No Thats Bad Funny

Y'all ever watch Hee Haw?  (Okay, I've just dated myself with that.)  I used to watch it all the time growing up.  The title of my blog post was inspired by the absolutely hilarious bit by Archie Campbell and Roy Clark.  (Y'all enjoy a little humor with the video above!  It just kills me every time.  If that's not enough Hee Haw goodness, go find the backwards fairy tales.  You'll laugh until you cry.)

Sometimes you think life is handing you something bad.  But God.  He can work all things for our good.

So, yeah, back in February, I had a wreck in which my car was totaled.

Oh, that's bad. — No, that's good.  The boys and I walked away unhurt, and I ended up with a lower car payment and lower monthly car insurance payment, and we have a larger vehicle that gets us from point A to point B.  And Brian says it has a better sound system than Chewbacca did.  LOL

Then in April, we found ourselves in the thoroughly unenviable position of having a house we could no longer afford.  We walked away and the bank took it back, and before we did that, we had to find someplace to live.  Seemed like a tall order, since we wanted to keep the boys in their schools, and rent here is exorbitant (as in, more than a house payment in a lot of cases).

Oh, that's bad. — No, that's good.  We found a place to live, in our school district, 3 bedroom and 2 bath (that 2 bath is important when you've got a teenage boy), with just about everything we wanted, for a price we could afford.  (And that was all thanks to God's provision and my friend Wendy telling me to call and ask about it!)

The place we found?  It's a trailer.

Oh, that's bad. — No, that's good.  There is nothing wrong with it, it's sound, it's a roof over our heads with covered parking for our vehicles, we have a lovely yard (nicer than we had at our previous house), it's out in the country, and most all of our stuff fits in it (and we had a bunch of stuff that needed a good throwing away, anyway).  Our landlords are lovely people, and if something breaks, I just pick up the phone and call.  Living here is our opportunity (we hope) to finally get back on some solid financial footing.  Life has happened, and we hope this is our place to regroup.

But we couldn't have our cats here.  They had to be rehomed.  (No hating on that, please.  It was not a decision we made lightly, and a whole lot of tears were shed.)

Oh, that's bad. — No, that's good.  Well, not as bad as it could have been, anyway.  A lovely woman gave them a happy home.  Bless her, she already had seven cats, and took ours to be her eighth and ninth.  By all accounts, they are happy as clams there (and she has it set up really nicely if you're a cat!).  And while I miss the cats, I do not miss the cat hair.  Or the litter box.

And then just when you thought things might settle down, wait, there's more.  On Friday I was laid off.  It was for financial reasons, as our firm wasn't bringing in the work or the money to need two attorneys.  That was really, really not how I expected my Friday to go.

Oh, that's bad. — Well, yeah, it would seem that way, wouldn't it?  And I certainly wouldn't have gotten up Friday morning and said, "Let me see, I think I'd like to lose my job today" had the choice been mine to make.  But when I look back at all the times things have happened, when our first response has been, "Oh, that's bad," and see that every.single.time God has brought something good out of it, I can't really get too worked up.  This turn of events may have been a surprise to me, but it was absolutely not a surprise to Him.  There was a reason why I got that job, and there is a reason why I no longer have it.  So, right now, I'm okay.  I'm breathing.  I've already applied for two state jobs and reached out to friends to ask for a heads up if they hear of anything.  And it is only the grace and peace of my Lord, and my knowledge that He is faithful, that keeps me grounded in the middle of this particular storm.

Day by day, I'm learning what it means to pray without ceasing.  And even in this, I can lift my eyes to God and give thanks.

About Lisa @ theplainspokenpen

Mom to boys. Happily married. Jesus follower. Avid reader. Proofreader, trying to make it an actual paying job. Amateur foodie. Scentsy consultant. I thrive on chocolate and strong coffee, and I need some extra hours in my day.


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